Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy and a critical tool for shaping the future of public education, with the power to directly influence policies that affect school budgets, teacher staffing, school safety, book bans, and the selection of locally elected school boards. For public school educators, parents, and community members, casting a vote is one of the most important responsibilities we have to ensure that public schools remain strong, well-funded, and safe learning environments for all students.

School Budgets

Public school funding is largely determined by local and state elections, where voters select representatives who decide how much money schools receive. These budgets impact every aspect of education, from teacher salaries and classroom resources to after-school programs and building maintenance. When voters elect leaders who prioritize education funding, schools are more likely to receive the necessary support to provide high-quality education. Conversely, voting for candidates who deprioritize education can result in budget cuts, overcrowded classrooms, and diminished learning opportunities.

Teacher Staffing

Teacher shortages are a growing concern across the country. Elected officials make decisions on teacher pay, benefits, and working conditions, all of which affect the ability to attract and retain qualified educators. By voting for candidates who understand the value of supporting teachers, voters can advocate for policies that improve teacher recruitment and retention, such as competitive salaries, professional development, and manageable workloads. A well-supported teaching force is essential to student success.

School Safety

School safety has become a top priority for educators and families alike. Voting for candidates who take a balanced, research-driven approach to ensuring safe learning environments is crucial. Whether it’s advocating for mental health resources, anti-bullying programs, or comprehensive safety measures, elected leaders play a key role in determining how schools address student safety. Voters should look for candidates who prioritize the well-being of students and staff, and who are willing to invest in resources that protect the school community.

Book Bans and Intellectual Freedom

The rise of book bans and the restriction of certain topics in the classroom is a growing issue. Decisions about curriculum and which books students can access are often made by local school boards. By voting for school board members who value intellectual freedom and diverse perspectives, voters can help preserve a comprehensive education for all students. It’s important to elect leaders who resist censorship and promote open access to knowledge.

Locally Elected School Boards

Local school boards wield significant power over the operation of public schools. These boards determine budgets, curriculum, staffing, and safety policies, directly affecting students and teachers. Voting in school board elections allows community members to have a voice in how their schools are run and to choose leaders who reflect their values and priorities.

Voting in every election is essential for supporting public schools and ensuring that education policies reflect the needs of all students, educators, and the community writ large. “The vote is precious. It is almost sacred. It is the most powerful non-violent tool we have in a democratic society, and we must use it” – John Lewis.